In the “old days” the law said that only the priest could enter in to the holy of holies

But when Jesus died and rose again the veil that covered the entry to that place was torn, it was torn so we can now have entry into Gods secret place the Holy of Holies, we don’t need someone else (a priest or whoever) to go there for us Jesus is our High Priest not some man,  we enter through him.


Are many of waiting for someone else to go there for them??

Are many waiting to be fed by someone?

 Jesus said to the disciples..the counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you.


Is the Holy Spirit not teaching us today????

It is time we surrendered ourselves to Him so that we may hear what HE is saying to the body of Christ.



The law was never meant for salvation, it was meant to show man the need for salvation, the need for a saviour. God required a sacrifice suitable for forgiveness of sin and the sacrifice needed to be perfect and unblemished.


God loved us so much He even provided the sacrifice..Jesus the love sacrifice…for God so loved the world that He gave His only son, who believes in Him shall have eternal life.


Jesus is the way the truth and the life, when we abide in Him we are seated with Him in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father, with the enemy under our feet.


Do we truly realize the power of the resurrection?

Do we fully embrace Jesus?

Do we connect with the source of love and power?

Or do we just live or lives our way?


God wants to love and protect His children He wants us to come close to Him, He provided Jesus as the way.

He gave us free will to choose for ourselves whether to follow that way or to live life our own way.


Our lives are meant to be full of love..are they?


We are meant to have a loving relationship with Jesus…do we? Jesus is the ONE He is the source we are nothing without Him. Can we fulfil the reason we were created without Him? NO

If we are truly walking in a relationship with Jesus, we will be healed, we will be changed, we will be a clean vessel and our filthy rags with be changed to robes of righteousness.

We will be a vessel that God can use for HIS GLORY.


Christianity is not about knowledge, it’s about knowing Father it’s about knowing  and following Jesus,

the way the truth and the life.




Man has been doing things his way a long time now..

It’s time to surrender and admit that we can’t do it ourselves, it hasn’t worked and it never will.